ONE Staff / August 2nd, 2010 / Photo Journal
PHOTO JOURNAL: Kiku Comino #1

Negative Mistrial

You might be wondering why it’s me writing this PHOTO JOURNAL instead of the photographer who shot the picture. Well, that’s part of the message itself. I’ve been experiencing a change in life, mostly through my friend’s lives. Not everybody can afford to skate all day, 24/7, as we were used to doing a couple of years ago. People grow and so do responsibilities. Kiku, likemany others, has to work to pay his dues and is working right now while I write these lines. Well, if rollerblading became a physiological necessity to you as it has become after years for us, you know you always find time in your tight-ass schedule to session with your friends. You need it, and it’s what makes your life happier. So even being as busy as you think you are, pick up your skates and go session. I’ll be sessioning with him tomorrow to contribute my part to this little culture we have. You must remember these are the moments you live for and the moments you will keep when you fade away. Do what gives sense to your life. — Marc Moreno Segura

Discussion / PHOTO JOURNAL: Kiku Comino #1

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  • Dan Bond - August 3rd, 2010

    This is a great shot – with some boosting of levels and contrast this could be cover shot material I think. Great timing and exposure, I just think it could do with some subtle tweaking to bring out some colours a little.


  • Brian Weis - August 3rd, 2010

    Pictures dope! always enjoyed Marc’s blading. Good words too, couldnt be closer to the the truth.

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