ONE Staff / February 13th, 2012 / Gear
The Youth Co.

The youth has always invigorated us and pushed us in new directions. Where do you all see the youth of today taking skating?

CF: Seemed like there were years when there weren’t young bladers around, but it seems like things have been changing as of recent. The young bucks are the future; our legs are bound to fall off at some point.

CH: I have no idea and that’s what’s exciting about it to me. I am sure a lot of people didn’t see skating going the direction it did, or think it would be where it is now. I am just pumped to sit back and watch where the youth takes it! 

JJ: Andrew Jacuzzi.

What do you see them doing that our generations were never able to do or doing a lot better than our generations? What do you see them doing worse?

CF: All I know is that I never gave up on blading, and I hope others feel the same way.

CH: Not really sure. I think comparing generations is a hard thing to do. I think that’s why you can never truly compare Kobe and MJ. They are both the best of their time. All the surrounding circumstances are so different that it completely changes what generations have the ability to do. 

JJ: I think we all keep doing what we are doing. All generations need to keep blading and working on projects that continue to push blading and inspire. These things keep blading solid. 

Stay away from the bullshit and work on what you are most passionate for.

When Chris Farmer left Create Originals he put out a statement praising the company for how they operated and how they treated their riders with respect. Being treated fairly by companies has always been an issue in rollerblading. What will the Youth Co. be doing to strengthen the relationships with their riders and help them improve their lives?

CF: The Pres knows how to run things, plain and simple. Very fortunate and grateful that I was offered the opportunity to be a part of this project.

CH: Like Farmer said “the Pres knows how to run things plain and simple.” 

JJ: Youth is our brand and we will continue to work hard to make it live up to our own standards.

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Discussion / The Youth Co.
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