Sean Macgowan / March 9th, 2016 / Photo Journal
PHOTO JOURNAL: Sean Macgowan #10

I was out with Russell Day and Danny Lopez one Thursday morning on a mission to shred Lakeside Skate Park. On our way there we walked past a pretty cool stair ledge that really caught Russell’s eye. At first glance the ledge looked pretty fun, but we soon discovered that it was quite difficult to skate and shoot. The ledge was flush to the ground, which made it a little bit tricky to lock onto, and it was in a really tight spot that only offered a limited amount of angles to shoot from.

After multiple test shots I finally found an angle that I liked, and gave Russell the go-ahead to start lacing some tricks. At first Russ struggled with dropping down to the flush ledge, but being the pro that he is he quickly adapted to the circumstances, and fully piped it up. I really wanted to catch Russell in the upper left hand side of the picture so I made him do the trick multiple times in order to get the shot that I wanted. After many attempts and much teamwork, Russell held the true top soul long enough for me to catch him in the upper left hand side of the picture, my flash fired, and we ended up getting a pretty cool deal. I shot this with my shutter at 1/250, f 5.4, iso 100, with my flash at ¼ power facing Russ around a 70° angle.

Discussion / PHOTO JOURNAL: Sean Macgowan #10

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