ONE Staff / January 30th, 2013 / Spotlight
What is The Big Break?

Late in 2012, Conor Manweiller approached us about doing some kind of online competition to promote Kaltik. The kick was that the prize he proposed was something nearly every rollerblader wants — money towards travel to blade events. A few conversations later, The Big Break was born. And there’s still time to participate! The deadline for entry is 2/15… so check out this interview with Kaltik boss Conor M. for inspiration to get out there and make your own 60-second Big Break edit. You’ve got nothing to lose and plenty to gain. Read on!

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Conor Manweiler / Kaltik Owner

Conor, thanks for speaking with us and organizing this cool opportunity for a blader to get the most out of their year. Where did the idea come from?
No problem! The Big Break came from an idea I’ve had for a long time. And when I spoke with you, it seemed more possible and realistic if we joined together to run a “Sponsor Me” online comp. Props to Justin at ONE for getting the stuff together!

How do you imagine the 1-year sponsorship working?
I hope to help out the rider as much as possible, and help him with a travel budget for the year… and see how it goes from there. It’s been in the cards for a while, but it’s hard for me to get a grip on things in the States and South America as the company and I are based in Ireland. While supporting Aaron [Feinberg] I realized we needed to support more heads out that way.

Will that person be on the team, or just flowed product… do tell?
Yes, he/she will be on the official team, sent products, and will also have the chance to help with ideas for new products.

We’re trying to have very transparent and respectable judging — using the crowd sourced excitement of social media with the steady hand of knowledgable bladers. What do you want to see in an edit?
Solid, stylish, creative skating, I guess. Something that stands out and looks solid.

I saw online that someone said “this seems more for people that are totally unknown.” Do you think that’s true? Who do you imagine taking advantage of this contest?
Yes, I think that’s true. It’s also a great outlook on the opportunity, as I know there are so many unknown and talented heads out there that deserve support and recognition.

Let’s talk a bit about Kaltik. It’s seemed kinda quiet of the Kaltik front lately — what’s new?
Yeah, maybe so. I’ve not been promoting or advertising as much as in previous years. Since shops are holding stock, and heads still dig the frame and enjoy skating them, I can support and give free products to the team. That’s what’s up, in my opinion, and keeps things rolling. I honestly don’t have the business mind or hunger for money that the heads that run and shape rolling with big corporations. I enjoy working with Kaltik at my pace and doing things our way. I think rolling in general, like all things in life, goes up and down. I’ve had a few ideas and discussions with Damo about ideas on how to change both the freestyle and flat frames in the future. I think it’s just a matter of time, really. Sure, what’s the rush? We ain’t going nowhere.

Aaron Feinberg Pro Model

There’s more push now from bladers for flatrocker and powerblade setups. How does that fit into the Kaltik philosophy and product lineup?
Powerblading doesn’t appeal to me. If I wanted to go really fast and roll 80mm wheels, I could have gone and bought recreational skates years ago. Back when we had Bauer and Roces in the ’90s, we took out our middle wheels before anti-rockers came along. In those days you could buy frames that serve the same purpose as powerblade frames. I’ve always believed the lower your soulplate is to the ground, the better it is, and your center of gravity will improve. Though the opposite is true, too; more and bigger wheels means more control and speed. So I believe the Kaltik Flat frames are just that. But to each to their own, and as always people will follow trends and want to support and try the next “cool” thing.

Since posting news of the THE BIG BREAK, there’s been chatter from UK dudes that they got left out by their own countrymen! You planning to offer this chance to markets outside the Americas at a later date?
It’s possible, but right now we’ll just run the US Big Break first and go from there. Besides, I already support Keir, Russell, Swain and Swindels in the UK and Scotland.

Stephen Swain Pro Model

Any final words before we let you go and get back to waiting on more edits?
Looking forward to see who wins and how many edits we get in total. Besides that, I want to thank everyone that supported Kaltik in any way, and to all the guys on the team — Kaltik would not be anything wit out all you.

Check out The Big Break page HERE

Learn more about Kaltik Frames HERE

Read more about Conor in his BLADE LIFE from 2010

Discussion / What is The Big Break?

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  • Chris Duke - January 30th, 2013

    Really hope Stefan wins this. The guy is so motivated and could bring much more than stylish tricks to the team.

  • DADCHUK - February 13th, 2013


  • DADCHUK - February 13th, 2013


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