ONE Staff / May 12th, 2010 / Spotlight
The ONE 2009 Skater of the Year is…

ONE magazine created the Skater of the Year award to give skaters around the world the chance to decide who and what constitutes the best blader in the world. This year more than 10,000 votes were submitted in the Skater of the Year award voting process. And when the voting stopped and the tallies were added up, a blader from New Jersey named John Bolino had more votes than anyone else. In having the most votes, he earned himself the prestigious honor of being named by his peers and fellow rollers worldwide the skater they feel best represents rollerblading. Congratulattions are due, and you can join in the celebration when John’s feature Skater of the Year coverage drops in ONE Issue #18. In the meantime, check the pics below.

Jon Jon Wallpaper

Jon Jon Cover Issue

Skater of the Year

Skater of the Year

Skater of the Year

Discussion / The ONE 2009 Skater of the Year is…

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  • flo - May 13th, 2010

    welll deserved

  • mxtrkrft - May 13th, 2010

    Hell yeah! Well deserved John! You’re the future, keeping it up!

  • Will.I.Am - May 13th, 2010

    CONGRATS. I cant say i voted for Jon but it was a close call anyway, there were too many good skaters lol. but really congrats.

  • dawn - May 13th, 2010

    well deserved, truthfully I thought Fish or Farmer would win. but based on how the crowd at BCSD wanted jon jon, I shoulda seen this coming haha. congrats!

  • Sam DeAngelis - May 13th, 2010

    SICK! Congrats Jon! New Jersey is killin it in 2010!

  • Aaron Peterson - May 13th, 2010

    peoples’ champ! well deserved my boy!!

  • DANCHUK - May 13th, 2010


  • Juan Francisco - May 13th, 2010

    Congratulations Jon Jon, you deserved… Excelente!!! A mas de ser un buen patinador… Buena persona!!! Saludos desde Ecuador. Hope you come back soon… BLESS….

  • Alan - May 13th, 2010

    Congrats, John is an amazing skater and definitely deserves this, but I still think Montre deserves it more.

  • fernando - May 13th, 2010

    fuck yea !!! this kid is a murderer

  • shane - May 13th, 2010


  • Nemo - May 13th, 2010

    Record for most sections put out in a year? Best dude.

  • Dustin Latimer - May 13th, 2010

    hottest side pipe on a young boy.

  • JP - May 13th, 2010

    Congrats to Jon Jon !!! Very nice guy, and sure represents us perfectly !

  • Jeff Hughes - May 13th, 2010

    He’s the Boss.

  • jon perdomo - May 13th, 2010

    fuckin yeaah congratulation jon its big price for hard word , you are wondurfull person congratulation from colombia

  • Rodrigo Forero - May 13th, 2010

    congratulation jon jon!!!!!!!! by Corintoman from Bogotá. Colombia

  • nicolas vanegas - May 13th, 2010

    i had the pleasure to chill with him and is a great person, is not only the best stilish skater on the hood but is also a kid with mentallity and huge carism for the sport, i saw him doin tricks that i can only say one word about them: steez, go jon jon

  • richie eisler - May 14th, 2010

    congrats bud!

  • GrindTheBladeShopSE - May 16th, 2010

    defo.. what a year bolino has had and he has done us proud in his progression.. as a skater that is unique in style and sports a positive enthusiasm.

    wish him all the best and a bright rich future which im sure it ll be.. we dedicated skaters that we do have.

  • peter bender - May 16th, 2010

    that kid totally deserves it ! congrats !

  • Russ - May 17th, 2010

    totally deserves this he ripps shit

  • RIP - May 18th, 2010

    Well done! Congrats!

  • DanRine - May 23rd, 2010


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