First and foremost, I want to set the record straight. In spite of whatever misconceptions are out there and the nonsense that the message board trolls have to say, in your own words, who is David Sizemore?
I am one of 327 David Sizemores in the U.S.
Do you simply just let the haters hate, or does this ever really get to you?
I try not to let the hate on message boards get to me personally, but I do try to at least hear what the people have to say. While some people have a huge internet ego and post mindless hatred against people just to get their reactions, other people actually know what they are talking about and post their blunt opinions for more of an outcome than just just to piss someone off. Some posts can help someone fine tune their skating. I’m not saying that someone should completely change their style or tricks because of what some posts say, but to improve the tricks by hearing out the flaws that the person might not see or choose to ignore.
Aside from traveling the country to skate and compete in contests, what does the life of David Sizemore entail?
Going to school, jumping on the trampoline at me and Cody’s house, lots of “Seinfeld,” waterfall adventures, coffee and pizza.
As we all know, the Atlanta blade scene has produced some of the industry’s biggest names; what has growing up in such a thriving skate community done for you personally, and who did you look up to as a young grom coming up?
Growing up in Atlanta has definitely been a privilege. There was a skatepark here a couple years ago called Rampage that hosted the original Superhick. There, I got to see and meet so many skaters that I looked up to. The original Skatepile was also at that skatepark and allowed me to see all the new skate videos that came out.
It seems this past year has been very kind to you in terms of contests. You are becoming very close friends with the Top 3 Podium, proving this once again with your most recent win at the WRS Finals, becoming 3rd place overall and finishing a close 4th place. With this being said, aside from practicing your skating, what do you do to prepare for a contest; any special rituals or processes you go through?
I usually just stretch and try to plan out a couple tricks that I want to do. No rituals, but I am a little OCD and sometimes knock on wood if the desire happens.
Some people say that skating in competitions takes the fun out of skating, taking away from the true essence of what we do and why we do it, what do you have to say to these people?
I find contests fun to skate. When I was growing up, I used to watch all the ASA contests on TV and get really juiced about competing. Sometimes I want to battle it out, but then other times I want to skate a green electrical box with a couple friends.
Every time I logged onto Be-Mag these past two weeks I seem to be checking your video journal, and not only am I impressed by the skating at Woodward, but I seem to be laughing from all of the random tom foolery. Now that your trip is over, what was your favorite part?
There were so many good parts, I don’t know if I could pick just one. I remember Blake and I were pretty juiced when we finally found the “Welcome to Wodward Camp” sign after being lost on those dark swirvey roads for about three hours. (Editor’s Note: Done it. Sucks. Ran out of gas too.) Some other good memories were skating the new plaza at Woodward, going to Mike Bennet’s house to watch “My Bloody Valentine in 3D,” hanging out with all the campers, getting to meet Dave Paine and hear about his life, living in luxury at Nemo’s house, and getting to itch my craving for anything awesome at the B&H store in New York.
You skate for Rollerblade — if you weren’t getting your skates for free, do you think you would be rolling around on RBs?
I have been skating RBs for a long time. I remember when I was younger and I skated RB Squashes, then I upgraded to Swindlers; I’ve just always liked the skates. Now that I’m on the pro team, my job is cool because I get to put in input to make the skates even better. It’s just cool that they ask us how we think parts on the skates should be, or how a design should look, and they handle the rest.
All of us bladers seem to pull and draw inspiration for skating from other aspects of our lives, whether it is music, art, family life, or some other activity that gets us through the day. Where do you draw inspiration for what you do?
Lately, I have been pulling inspiration from different sparks. Sections like Broskow’s from “The Meantime” make me want to get out of bed at four in the morning and skate ’till I can’t see anymore.
From the perspective of someone who is considered to be among the “future of rollerblading,” what do think not only the industry of rolling lacks, but the culture and lifestyle as well?
We need the right people to represent rollerblading.
If rollerblading doesn’t work out for you, do you have a Plan B?
I’m going to school for television production. It has opened my eyes to many different careers in that industry, so probably something with that.
What is your most current set-up?
Solo Eras with Eulogys.
The rollerblading community got a high definition taste of what you were capable of with eight wheels strapped to your feet in the ONEvideo, what else can we expect to see from you in terms of video exposure throughout 2009?
I’m filming for “The Solo Collective” right now. It’s an online release on I’m also working with Andrew Nemiroski for his online production.
Thanks a ton for your time, and to wrap this interview up, is there anyone you would like to thank or anything you want the kids to read before they go?
Rollerblade TRS, Skatepile, Progressive, all my friends and family, and ONE.
Questions © 2009 Ben Karris
Thanks to all the photographers including Dustin Spengler and Andrew Nemiroski.
These photos turned out soooooooo well!!!!
Thanks again David, Dustin and Nemo!
Great interview David and good questions Ben. I am blessed to have you as a homie Dave. Keep up the hard work. And thanks for being down for my random visits to Canton.
David is the man
Great content. Very well represented. Very Professional of everyone involved.
That kids amazing, you watch his tricks on the ONE dvd and you realize he is the shit for sure
david in my opinion is the besttt!! this interview was great!! lovee you david!!!