ONE Staff / March 6th, 2011 / Blade Life
BLADE LIFE: J Spira and The Denver Savages


The vast and glorious land of Colorado owes its history to a long line of savage natives and whiskey-drunk, insane goldminers. Today, the river yet runs thick with whiskey, and that insane mentality thrives in a small but dedicated group of golden roller savages. Though this history be dark; filled with relentless exploitation, theft, and slaughter, the ones who still survive today have learned from the past. These contemporaries stay vigilant, not allowing the kooky nonsense of trend mongers to plant their Mickey Mouse ears upon our kin folk. No, these ones know. They have no choice but to know. Know that the real road to victory comes from an inherent and spiritual drive to reach the penultimate level of blading enlightenment, THE FOURTH.




You see, for too long have the people of this planet been trapped in three dimensions. Perhaps it’s the altitude, the thin air, the relentless winters, the blazing summers, the potency of the sweet leaf, or the sheer closeness to the heavens that allows for such development. Access to the fourth dimension is brief yet lasting. These small glimpses into higher planes allow these modern day savages to see beyond the pale of the average lay-person. The lay-person who would walk up a set of stairs and say, “Well, this is a fine railing to perhaps make sliding motions, and perhaps when this becomes insufficient tornado-like turns may be introduced to up the excitement.” A fourth voyeur whilst stumbling up these stairs would see these obvious 3D realities and yet something more, something words have trouble making cognizance of. The fourth savage would begin to see more, more of the obstacle and the surroundings, more possibilities, newer roads to ultimate achievement of excellence.





This, friends, is the maturation of the species. The next step, the arrival to adulthood from and infantile state. People now see this growing up, so to speak, and the confidence that individual bears therein, inspiring awe and fascination. Women of all shapes and sizes beckon, friendships of the longterm form. There are those who would have them regress, stay in a state of ignorance and to them I say PERISH! For a new dawn of reason is rising and no matter the width of your trousers or the flavor of your ear these things are but the will of the individual and no group of huddling scared masses will define the true individual!




Thus they go Fourth, spreading wisdom and inspiration for all who care to witness. In this land, miles or more above the rest, you may see them. Come one and come all and learn from them and others, for the Coloradans are not alone in their expansion of thought. Around the world, almost simultaneously, groups are accessing the 4th. Soon we can go to the Cinema and see moving pictures such as “Charging” and minds will be opened. Glory to the individual savages until the end of days! — Jeremy Spira

Photos by Josh Hayes

Discussion / BLADE LIFE: J Spira and The Denver Savages

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  • . - March 6th, 2011


  • chris fortune - March 6th, 2011

    btw, look at Courtney give Colin a quick handy in the first pic

  • chris fortune - March 6th, 2011

    look at Courtney giving Colin a handy in the top pic

  • Greg King - March 8th, 2011

    Butt Crack!

  • Insane Photo Shoot … if i had photos like that, i would DEF stick them in my portfolio man. fuck… ill alley oop pornstar . to die for .. damn.

  • Ian Hutcho - March 8th, 2011

    Where’s Greg ‘Gfree’ Beardman?

  • James Q - March 11th, 2011

    this fucking made my day! 4-D lifestyle… word

  • Boris - March 17th, 2011

    This is inspirational, Spira!

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