Ten of us left San Diego on a Tuesday afternoon in early August with a destination: Colorado. We were a caravan of vagabonds who indulged in rolling on eight wheels, gathering wood, making massive fires, soaking in hot springs, shocking ourselves in the Rocky Mountain waters, chowing on the local burger scene, and pulling at local parks like we owned ‘em.
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The first two days encountered heavy rains but we couldn’t be stopped. First, camping in Santa Clara, Utah, surrounded by red rocks, we cleaned up and headed NE to Colorado. Eight hours straight through to Grand Junction, CO’s local big box store.
We camped in Grand Mesa, CO that night, where we usually do during the trip, but this time we found a completely new spot to camp. The rains came in the morning but we had a tarp city ready to shield our site.
The third day we headed to a new park in Ridgway, CO where I overheard a local telling contractors about a WORLD CLASS skatepark that had just been built in Salida, CO.
It was like no other we had experienced in our 8+ years of touring Colorado with the locals. We need more time there!
The next few days were centered around the itinerary of CORT.
From Leadville on Saturday morning, Jamie Kham sent it without regard. The Faction skate team was definitely holding it down, all their riders were blading to an extreme I haven’t seen at the highest skatepark in the Americas EVER.
Every CORT has its own story, but once we all got our spot secured north of the main fire, it was up to us and our neighbors Eli and & Jesse to help us all camp collectively.
And let me tell you, there is nothing like trying to go to bed during a CORT rave. Bring your earpods, and leave your own inhibitions at the doorstep. — Logan Fowell
[The END]
Photos by Sean Macgowan
What about the joe Henderson derek McClain skate house in Colorado? Where do you skate in Cali? Esco zoo Manhattan school, Ventura, intuition?
San Diego. Hit us up if you’re ever in town, we’ll show you the spots!