While most bladers were on the message boards gossiping and preparing themselves for one of the year’s biggest competitions, New York City bladers were busy preparing themselves for one of the biggest video premieres of the year. Sunday February 21, 2010 Jason Staine and Rolling Film Media premiered its first official release, Signature.
Signature is a video profiling Tim Franken, Jeff Dalnas, Alex Nunez, and Mark Wojda that had its theatrical world premiere in the Anthology Film Archive in New York, NY. Legends, veterans, pros, AMs, and groms alike all came out to show their support for one of the biggest videos of the year. Names like Jon Ortiz, Sam Grimm, Victor Callender, Ramelle Knight, Alex Nunez and many more were all in attendance. What better place to showcase a video featuring an amazing and heart felt New York section dedicated to our lost friend Brian “Cozmik” Scott than in his own hometown of New York?
Adonis Taylor
Alex Nunez and friends
Cesar Macay
Christen Cofer – EvoTek Media
Danny Dags, Ryan Many, Malik Ashby
As everyone shuffled in the theater, greeting each other and sneaking in their beer of choice, a sense of awe hit everyone as we all realized that, yes, we were actually in a real theater preparing to see a rollerblading video. For the first time in many NYC events, the crowd sat and stood in the aisles (as we had sold out the theater), anxiously silent with anticipation of seeing what Jason Staine had to offer our city. Local New York shop, Tri-State Skate, raffled off various items and Signature creator Jason Staine made a short speech to start the night’s highly anticipated premiere.
Drew Humphrey
Greg Kieffer Tri-State Skate
Jason Staine, Sam Williams and Sam Grimm
Ramelle Knight
Ray Mendez
As each section went on, the crowd grew louder and louder, ignoring the usual movie theater etiquette as we saw our friends and local skate spots featured in the video. Local New Yorker Alex Nunez had a much well-deserved section that will make us all remember why he’s one of NY’s most talented bladers. Tim Franken is introduced to the world with a section that will have you on YouTube, looking for more videos of his style of skating. Mark Wojda’s section is on point and lives up to his skating ability as seen in the ONEvideo. Jeff Dalnas does not disappoint and leaves you with a last trick that will have you picking up your jaw when you realize what he just landed. The NYC section introduces you to some of our local talent, and the montages compliment the video well and add to the humor and excitement of “Signature.” If you’re looking for a video to get you excited to go skating, then this is the one for you.
Sam Grimm and Sam Williams
Victor Callender and Chauncey Jenkins
Yannes Sootes and Angelo Ferrer
You can pick up your copy of “Signature” at the official online store or at the Tri-State Skate online shop. A big thanks to David Toro of One Day NY for photographing the NYC premiere, and if you’re lucky enough to attend this year’s Bitter Cold Show Down, Jason Staine will be holding a premiere for “Signature” as well. Make sure to pick up your copy today. I promise you won’t be disappointed. — Craig Benabu, I Roll NY.