We came, we saw, we Blading Cupped! That’s right, another Blading Cup has come and gone, and the time for copious amounts of photos and clips and edits to pound your senses is upon us. And rightfully so! This year marked another successful event, with two days full of over a hundred bladers looking to earn their claim to a title and make their mark on Blading Cup lore. Along with great blading comes great photos, and Sean Macgowan delivers the goods with this selection of prime moments from Saturday as the action slipped into the night where Sean’s signature style lets him light up the event like no one else. So as we sort through our footage and prep all that, check out this action from Blading Cup.
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Aarin Gates / Backslide to Fakie

Graznya Wratny / Topsoul

Graznya Wratny / Miszou

Jon Julio / Soul

Howie Bennett / Bonk to AO Topsoul

Julian Bah/ True Fish

Jon Ortiz / Soyale

Miguel Ramos / Top Mistrial

Mike McMullen / Sweaty to Fakie

Mike Scott / AO Soul

Mario Pacia / Topsoul

Tory Treseder / Top Acid to Fakie

Tomek Przybylik / Topsoul 540

Soichiro Kanashima / AO Makio

Sam Crofts / Neg Acid

Robbie Pitts / Mono Roll

Phil Moore / Neg Makio 360

Oscar Sosa / Fish to Fakie

Ortiz and Crofts

Mike Opalek / Soul

Nils Jansons / Transfer AO Topsoul

Dustin Jamieson / Topsoul 180

Dustin Jamieson / BS Backslide

Drew Humphrey

Derek Henderson / Rocket Fish

David Wittman / AO Fish

Danny Garcia / Neg Mistrial

Chad and Sean

Chad Hornish / Zero Fish Stall

Chad Hornish / Cross Rocket Fish

Chad Hornish / AO Neg Top Acid

Cameron Talbott / Soul 180

Cameron Tablott

Cameron Talbott / Gap to Topsoul

Mike Budnik / Invert

Mike Budnik / Fish Stall

Mike Budnik / Fishbrain

Alex Broskow / Savannah

Alex Broskow / BS Fastslide

Alex Broskow / Gummy Fastslide

Alex Browskow / BS Fast to TTP

Philip Moore / First Place

Phil Moore speaks
[The END]
All photos by Sean Macgowan