Corey Oringderff / November 19th, 2019 / Photo Journal
PHOTO JOURNAL: Corey Oringderff #9

Macon, GA has always had a healthy skating scene, but a few years back our home park closed down due to the city wanting their building back. Some Southerners will remember it as Sanctuary, others as Central City Skatepark. We typically built whatever we wanted to skate there, had late night sessions, and it was a great spot for bad weather skating. None of which are really possible at the new park.

Fast forward to now, the old skatepark is still sitting in the same spot, years later, with all the ramps still inside it, but now with locked doors. The new skatepark is located directly across the street.

Phillip Deal / Kind Grind

Macon decided they would build us a concrete skatepark to replace it, which now has a completed second phase of construction, which was a large bowl.

After our Sanctuary closed I ended up selling my camera and stopped skating as much. I still bounced around a little bit and took competition photos and some random images here and there. After recently buying a Canon 6D II I wanted to try and capture some photos at the new park, so I took advantage of a clear skied Sunday to see what I could get.

I almost immediately remembered why I loved shooting rollerblading photos. Picturing a photo in my head, framing, and then taking the photo. Over about an hour we played around on some different obstacles at the new Central City Skatepark and came up with these shots with Seth Lloyd and Phillip Deal.

Seth Lloyd / Safety Air

It was interesting to see what the new camera could handle, and in almost every way it was better than expected. I’m looking forward to seeing what other rollerblading photos this thing is going to take. — Corey Oringderff

Discussion / PHOTO JOURNAL: Corey Oringderff #9

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