Brian Sorg / August 16th, 2010 / Photo Journal
PHOTO JOURNAL: Brian Sorg #1

Topside Pornstar

Cameron Talbott lives in a town three hours away from mine, and he decided to catch a ride with someone to come up for the weekend, so long as I agreed to take him back. On the way to take him home, we stopped at an oddly set-up skatepark in a town along the way. The forecast called for rain for the whole day, but we had yet to run into any. We skated for a minute and saw this huge wall in a large pool-type bowl, and we agreed that it deserved a shot. While I was setting up, Cameron was warming up, realizing how big and awkward the wall really was. I set up my Canon 7D near the landing of the trick, knowing that when using a 10-20mm Sigma lens I had to be as close as possible to get the shot I wanted. I set up my Canon 550EX speedlite a bit to the right of my camera, pointing up toward the ledge. As soon as I was finished setting up I noticed it started to sprinkle; you can even tell in the photo. Cameron wasted no time and landed this burly Topside Porn, concluding the session and becoming the last picture of the day. Canon 7D, Sigma 10-20mm, f16, 1/250, ISO 100, 550ex Speedlite below and to the right, pointing up. — Brian Sorg

Discussion / PHOTO JOURNAL: Brian Sorg #1

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