ONE Staff / March 12th, 2012 / Photo Journal
PHOTO JOURNAL: Thom Heald #1


The week Sydney hosted the Australian Open of Surfing I met up with Craig Brocklehurst and Josh Butler for a blade in the city. Intermittent rain dogged the afternoon, but after a warm up ledge spot we headed to the Museum of Sydney and this bank that has been featured in many Australian videos and photos over the years.

Knowing how familiar this spot is to many, I wanted to shoot it from a different perspective. To coincide with the Aus Open the museum had an exhibition about surfing, and this sculpture of a wave was the perfect opportunity to get a rollerblader “in the barrel” as it were. Josh was boosting big 540s off the bank but it was Craig that came through with this tweaked Liu Kang 180 and got the shot of the day. Gnarly, dude.

Shot with a 7D, Canon 50mm 1.8, ISO-400, f/3.5 @ 1/200 sec, no flashes just natural evening light.

Discussion / PHOTO JOURNAL: Thom Heald #1

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  • Greg King - March 12th, 2012

    Cool framing!

  • Liam - March 13th, 2012

    Great to see the Aussies still holding it down

  • Major Cummings - March 13th, 2012

    show this to Bfree and tell him that’s a liu kang not that half assed grabs he throws.

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