“Syeahskate is a group of friends from Athens, Greece, who love to blade. We have built a suburban residential home into a Blade – House! Equipped with a rail-box park, an indoor mini ramp, a handrail and more, we are happy to present our 7th annual event!”
Heavyweight Champion: Gilles Buelens (Leuven)
Rail Killer: Sorin Coseraru (Bucharest)
Special Mention: Jo Zenk (Munster)
Blade House Honorary Key: Lubos Turek (Prague)
High Jump Champ: Nikos Diakoumeas (Athens)
Shot by Steve Kekis & Dinos Borboudakis // Cut by Nick Kouros nickkouros.com
Track: “Revolution is my name” by Pantera (2000) // performed by Blade House Band (2019)
Track recorded & mixed by Jack Fokas jacopofokas.com
Bar services by Shake & Roll Athens
Supported by powerskate.com