ONE Staff / December 7th, 2010 / Blade Life
BLADE LIFE: Going For Pro with Nick Uhas

Where do we go from here? Sounds like a question you ask yourself when you break up with your girlfriend or get caught stealing from your neighborhood Wal-Mart. Well, in this case it’s not that type of question, nor is it that awkward kind of situation (no police or girls involved… okay, there was a girl involved). But it was a question that was on my mind.

I’d just landed in NYC, home of many amazing legendary skaters like Franco Cammayo, Billy O’Neill and Alex Nunez. However, I did not intend on moving to NYC at all when I took a job in New Haven, CT, in June. I was plucked from the skating training grounds of Los Angeles to work as a video host for a new Webseries.

Nick Uhas

The Webseries was to center around the making of a brand-new feature length film called “College Musical The Movie.” I previously knew the producer/writer/director and actors from going to school with them at Yale University. Who you know really is so important.

Working as camera man, producer, and host of a Webseries is pretty much a 2x full time job, although I did get to sneak away to the New Haven skatepark every now and again. I would also like to add I was hired for the job because of a skating Webseries Brazil and I put together in Chicago. In fact, I learned entirely about production from working on productions with Brazil. That guy stays busy.

Nick Uhas

During my time in New Haven working insane 18-hour days on set for 60 days straight, I reconnected with a past girlfriend from NYC. Things were going fantastic for the first couple of months (as they usually do). Then, just like the housing crisis, the fine print and adjustable rate on the mortgage came crashing down on me. I think we lived a total of two weeks together before I was watching my clothes and skates exiting the door in a fit of rage (she was throwing, I was watching). In that instant I picked up and moved on, out into the opportunity that saturates New York City, as a free man!

Just as most skaters would do in a situation of emergency… I pulled my rollerblading VIP all-access couch surfing card and posted up at Cesar Macay’s house. I stayed for about two weeks until I got my feet on the ground again.

In my time at Cesar’s, I started a long awaited Webseries called “Going For Pro.” The idea originated from a pilot I pitched to WWHOTV the CW (the CW network in Columbus, Ohio). The actual pilot got picked up, but I wanted more… and I wanted to put the same idea in a larger market. Now that I am in NYC, one of the richest media centers in the world, I thought I would pick up right where I left off. This time however I would be targeting YouTube, growing the concept once more before taking the idea to a network.

We’ve had ups, and we’ve had some downs… but the episodes are looking fresh. I also started working for College Humor in the production department as well as staying on point in front of the camera landing acting gigs here in NYC.

What all does the Webseries entail? Well you will just have to check it out every Saturday, starting Dec 11th.

So the journey begins… clean start in a new city with bigger, meaner and more obstacles than ever before. I am skating towards the same goal I had when I was 19, and this time we are going to capture the whole process on film. This is Going For Pro. — Nick Uhas

Photos courtesy of Carlos Escobar, Cesar Macay, and Joe Chahwan.

Discussion / BLADE LIFE: Going For Pro with Nick Uhas

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  • 614 - December 8th, 2010

    hes so cocky, jesus

  • Patrick Bateman - December 8th, 2010

    He was into that whole Yale thing. Well, for one thing, I think he was probably a closet homosexual who did a lot of cocaine. That whole Yale thing.

  • Russ - December 10th, 2010

    gotta give props where there due

  • John Hoch - December 11th, 2010

    Keep going hard and doing what you want to do Nick.

  • jason - December 13th, 2010

    Seems very selfish like even with this working out right it only benefits him and in a world were all skaters are trying to bring our sport out as a whole this guys trying to achieve a status that even if met it doesn’t even supply medical insurance. I rather see a video on how to achieve an amazing magazine like one and how it started from scratch to where it is now a days

  • JLyn Ortiz - December 13th, 2010

    Do ya thing Nick! And remember, if u got haters then ur doin good

  • icariin - December 13th, 2010

    Yeah I want to hate him as he is like a little happy drama queen, but to be fair he would kill me on skates so I can’t hate on his skills at all.

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