John Haynes / September 2nd, 2008 / Blade Life
John Haynes’ Diana Summer

For eight months of the year, the weather in Minnesota is pretty terrible. That means you pack your summers as full as you possibly can with every fun thing you can think of. It’s a time when skin that is hidden the majority of the year can finally be shown with no worry of hypothermia, and if you skate, this is the time you film, shoot, travel, or do anything else until you’re too sunburned to take another minute of it. This was by far my busiest summer. I work in a photo studio almost every day for at least ten hours, and I shoot skating for ONE any time I’m not doing that…

Due to all this, my average work week totals something in the neighborhood of 70 hours. In my spare time I shoot pictures with a small toy camera that uses film called a Diana. That’s how I decided to document my skating assignments and summer travels in this lo-fi journal so all of you could see how glamorous being a photographer really is. No sleep, lots of beer, lots of photos, and new stories all helped make this summer a really memorable one. — John Haynes

John Haynes Diana Summer

Every Sunday afternoon in this park an unlikely bunch of hipsters parks their bikes to play kick ball. i was up after this guy; I got out I think. I was gone almost every weekend so I didn’t get to play much.

John Haynes Diana Summer

This is me and Mike Garlinghouse sharing a pillow on the way to Chicago.

John Haynes Diana Summer

This is Chicago. I think Jeph Howard actually took this picture. Maybe he will be the next skater-photographer convert.

John Haynes Diana Summer

This is Rory Melehan, Andrew Kaz (I can’t spell his last name), and Matt Luda at the skatepark after the Windy City Riot.

John Haynes Diana Summer

These are some kids waiting for a product toss or something. I like how people get more bored as they get further back in the frame.

John Haynes Diana Summer

This is Kruise Sapstien. He is cool.

John Haynes Diana Summer

These are the people from Minnesota who went to the WCR. It was raining and really hot and humid.

John Haynes Diana Summer

Ryan Googins caught this weird caterpillar thing. I did a double exposure of it and it looks like a mustache.

John Haynes Diana Summer

Some kids at the WCR.

John Haynes Diana Summer

I didn’t get to skate in Minnesota as much as I wish I did. This session got rained out.

John Haynes Diana Summer

The kid with the camera is Blake Cohen, he is filming for a video called “Too Much Love.”

John Haynes Diana Summer

Kevin Meland wearing a hat even though it was pretty hot.

John Haynes Diana Summer

Hey look, it’s a trick!

John Haynes Diana Summer

We were skating with the VX team for a few days. No matter who is at a session, there is always a lot of waiting around.

John Haynes Diana Summer

Adam Johnson filming. Almost every time we shot anything, AJ would be on top of his van.

John Haynes Diana Summer

I think this is art.

John Haynes Diana Summer

Every last weekend in July the really small town I grew up in has a big festival. Parades, town queen coronation, and floating party barges are all part of Waterama. This is my girl friend on the pontoon boat of one of my high school friends, trying to cope with the fact that I know every single person in Glendwood, Minnesota.

John Haynes Diana Summer

Another sweet part about living on the 13th largest lake in Minnesota is parades. Parades are maybe the most boring thing known to man. The 100 unit parade goes directly in front of my parents’ house, meaning that we have a potluck party every year. That’s the front yard I grew up in, and those are tractors.

John Haynes Diana Summer

My friend went to South Dakota and came back with ninja stars, though I question the existance of a South Dakota ninja. Here I am playing ninja-star-throwing-darts, which I am undefeated at.

John Haynes Diana Summer

The reason I am so shiny is the spf 50 sun block I had to wear every second I was outside in North Carolina. The heat nor the sun bother Montre.

Discussion / John Haynes’ Diana Summer

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  • mark - September 3rd, 2008

    nice one John!

  • Brian Bruno - September 3rd, 2008

    JH is the number 1 stunner.

  • BorisG - September 3rd, 2008

    Great read and photos, John!

    haha Montre’s face expression is funny)

  • Tommy - September 5th, 2008

    nice photography, were the lens flare you had on some of the pictures purposeful?

  • John Haynes - September 5th, 2008

    Yes on all of them. they are all shot with a lo-fi toy camera from the 1970s, light leaks, lens flare, and other idiosyncrasies are what gives these and other photos like it their character.

  • mason - October 20th, 2008

    hey john, its people like you that keep me skating.=]

    I cant wait till i graduate, i’m gonna move to the cities so i can skate!

  • Phat Glenna - October 20th, 2008

    I especially like your pictures because I live in Minnesota and Im also phat so lets do this. John, Im the baddest blader north of the mississippi for a chick whos phat. Lets meet up!

  • jeff_erdman - January 22nd, 2009

    please tell me 1 thing that i cant figure out. if john haynes takes pictures and jeff erdman shoots video while jeff stockwell skates and nobody gets paid and i never see any new rollerbladers at the skatepark then how does ONE keep producing magazines? mayb me and seansea oughta team up and go straight 2 the source-thrasher magazine in LA with a peculiar white residue thats infected with anthrax and birdflu

  • Greg M - June 12th, 2009


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