Tri-State Skate Shop, located in Hillburn, NY, is the only rollerblader owned shop in the New York area, and this past weekend Tri-State Skate welcomed NIMH Pro Rider Montre Livivngston. Montre brought with him renowned photo/videographer Kevin Dowling, recent winner of the Olympus PEN Contest. They are currently working on filming a documentary which has potential to further expand worldwide appreciation for the rollerblading industry.
Along with these vital representatives came New York City natives Billy O’Neill and Franco Cammayo, showing support to Tri-State Skate and ripping it up for a few clips and flicks at Drop In Skate Park.
Several other videographers and photographers were in attendance such as prestigious photographer Ryan Lowey, Jason Staine of Rolling Film Media, and NYC’s Ray Mendez. On July 16th, bladers from all over the Tri-State area came to show love for Tri-State Skate Shop and welcomed Montre, Fish, Franco, and Kevin with open arms. Thanks to shop owner Greg kieffer who made it all possible. — Sam DeAngelis
“I want to thank Kevin Dowling and Montre for making time to come out to the shop during their short stay in NYC, and wish Kevin luck on his Olympus blading documentary. Right now he is doing amazing things toward the growth of rollerblading with FootageTape and the Olympus project, and if he wins there is no doubt that it will have a huge impact on the future of rollerblading. I also want to specially thank Billy O’Neill and Franco Cammayo for always supporting the shop by coming out to session the park downstairs. Having Billy and Franco visiting the shop/park frequently not only helps keep the shop thriving, but also helps get more kids to throw their boards in the trash and pick up blades. People like Montre, Fish, Franco, and Kevin are the type of people who will help rollerblading get to the top… Where it should be.”
— Greg Kieffer
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Franco’s got crazy long hair!
yo yawl doin it big hope yall make that documentary rolling has to b at the top sooner and montre u still a beast dawg
keep skating my niggas
sooo siick!!
keep it up tri state skate!!
yoo billy and montre!! siick cunts 😉