Randy Edwards / November 22nd, 2013 / Blogs
Back to Blading #1

Jack Neil is an aspiring comic from Beaumont, TX, and one of my longest friends in rollerblading. You can catch him at open mic nights from Beaumont to Houston to Nacogdoches, along with taking part and hosting podcasts on the World Wide Web. He just recently sat down to pick my brain on one of his podcasts leaving me drunk, a tad bit disturbed, and defenseless about what he could ask next.

Both of us are certainly glad that our small town in the armpit of Texas has finally moved into the 21st century (building our first city skatepark). We find more time and reason to strap on the blades and fight through the masses that have flocked like zombies to our once quiet downtown ghost town.

This is the first of a series of photos that will come of old friends stepping back into the blading scene. Jack never left, just like myself, but things have been on the back burner for some time and we’re glad to be back. — Randy Edwards

Discussion / Back to Blading #1

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  • Geoff - November 22nd, 2013

    Sweet article concept…flood this blog with these!

  • Frank Stoner - November 22nd, 2013

    Yes. What Geoff said.

  • Cody S - November 22nd, 2013

    Holy shit Jack Neil!!!!!!
    So happy he’s blading again!!

  • Randy Edwards - November 22nd, 2013

    Thanks guys!

  • Kevin Little - November 22nd, 2013

    It is great to see Jack skating again! He is one of the best guys around.

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