Rob Zbranek / December 29th, 2012 / Blogs
The 2013 that almost wasn’t

Jellybelly. Mellon Collie and the Infinite Sadness. The Smashing Pumpkins. The unofficial theme song that seems to have consumed my life this past year. A broken shoulder via fixed gear “accident” and then the recent September 3rd incident involving my motorcycle flying some 90 mph down Alameda in Corpus Christi, Tx, then vaulting 85 ft. onto my helmetless face, arms, shoulder (again), and right ankle. Mutilated. In Shock.

Six surgeries later, three of which were plastic surgery, and I’m still here to pleasure you with wise, wise wisdom! If you ride, PLEASE BE FUCKING CAREFUULLLLL! Most motorcycle accidents involve another vehicle. Most, I say. But, regardless, of how it happened or didn’t happen, I’m alive and breathing! Oh yeah, still rollerblading, too! So… BOOM!

Seriously, I’m just excited to have come out on top when people thought I was finally done for. Toast. No Mas! Well, FUCK YOU naysayers! Nearly pushing 31 and I’ve tortured my body beyond belief. My own belief, really. “Damn, the body doesn’t stay young and elastic forever?” Am I disappointed? Hard to say. Did I immensely enjoy myelf amidst my own tirade of terror? Well, fuck yeah dude! No regrets my people, my peeps, mi brethren, my posse! Enjoy the rest of this year and go even harder for the next! You only live once, right?

Discussion / The 2013 that almost wasn’t

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  • Rod L. Short - December 29th, 2012

    Rob, So glad you’re doing good! Hang in there, heal well, you got this, man! Glad you’re still blading, too!
    As I’m sure you know, my Son, James Short wasn’t so lucky. He was hit and killed by a drunk driver while he was on his motorcycle. He was an innocent victim.
    I’d just like to emphasize your message here. If you ride, be very, very careful! I’d also like to add, if you drink, please don’t drive!
    Best wishes on your quick and total recovery, Rob!!
    ROD L. Short

  • Mike SP - December 29th, 2012

    Wow dude you’re a BEAST no pun intended and I am also glad to see your spirits are high man. It take extra large Cohones to go through what you’ve been through. Keep gettin strong brother!

  • Jpatt - December 29th, 2012

    I know the freedom of riding with no gear…but falling off a bicycle at 10 mph can permanently fuck your shit up…let alone hauling ass on a moto. Count your blessings and ride safe man. Also FYI the majority of moto accidents are actually solo. I too ride motos, bicycles, and blades at 30 years old… Stay safe broham. Glad you made it.

  • Martijn - December 30th, 2012

    Looks like some proper protective gear and a helmet would have saved you a whole lot of grief.

  • Diabla - December 30th, 2012

    Robert- Czech : Bright Fame…. There is a reason you are here, hope your journey to find that reason is a fun one! Live it up baby…. Just please do it safely!

  • rob zbranek - December 31st, 2012

    Thanks for the feedback! Definitely would have been in my best interest to have been wearing some gear, bad decisions are what I deal with!

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