ONE Staff / March 1st, 2012 / Events
EVENTS: Aragon talks BCSD XII

I saw a pic you posted on Instagram of you blading a park in Denver. Was that your first time out after the fall? How much time passed from impact to next blade?
I had to wait a little over a week before I skated. My eye was swollen shut for nearly a week, but once it started opening and I knew I was physically okay, I went out. So to answer your question it was about a week and a half.

Okay, I don’t want to fixate on this but do you remember any thoughts that went through your head as the trick went wrong?
I knew I was in a bad situation when I first spotted my landing. I realized that I had pushed off the quarter pipe too much and I was going to be landing low in the transition. After that everything happened really quickly and I used my face to soften the fall; I don’t recommend it.

Damn, talking a lot about Twitter, ha ha. This one is touchy and I understand if you don’t want to get in to it. RN had two photos of you up on their page and you clearly got pissed off about it. Was there any resolution to that? Maybe a direct message or email or something? You mentioned disrespect, and we can see where you’re coming from.
Speaking of Twitter, follow me @brianaragon. Yeah, the Rollernews situation was one that definitely pissed me off. Obviously my fall was documented, and I have no problem whatsoever of people seeing it if they want to. The issue I had with Rollernews was the fact that they were advertising an edit with a picture of me when I was laying on the floor regaining consciousness. I just found this to be in extremely bad taste and disrespectful. I expressed the way I felt to Rollernews but as expected they never got back to me. I also expressed my feeling towards the random filmer at Winterclash who thought it was cool to have his camera in my face as I was lying on the floor waiting for the medic.

On to sunnier times… did you have fun in Detroit?
Awesome time. BCSD is just one of those events that gets you amped on skating. The tradeshow, in particular, really allows everyone to come together and interact, and also gives the younger kids the chance to meet their favorite pros, which is awesome.

What tricks or bladers stood out to you?
Broskow always skates good and he was on at BCSD, so it was cool seeing him do his thing. I had fun skating with all the homies!

I know you’re back in Colorado trying to finish up school. What’s up after that?
Yeah, with two classes left I figured it was time to finally tie up the loose ends and finish this marathon of a college “career.” After school I’ll be headed back to Cali and hopefully working on some new projects.

And let’s close this out by letting your fans know where they can see you blade next.
At the moment I’m not sure of the next place I’m going to be. I’m always updating my Twitter or Facebook fan page as to what I’m doing for anyone who wants to know.

All right, thanks Brian. Good luck with school… and getting back to Cali.

Special shout out to @HushHushDist for coming up with this article idea.

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Discussion / EVENTS: Aragon talks BCSD XII

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