Whoa, we’re deep with pics from yesterday’s first-ever SD All Day event. Glad to say it was a solid turnout, too. Not the same big bunch of young rippers that Tracy has bred in Santa Monica, but something different — a new flavor for an All Day event. Anyway, check the pics, be at the September comp in LA, and stay tuned for more info on the Bearings & Bruises contest in Illinois that Tracy is also involved in. Need some idea how you can help your blading scene grow? This guy and the All Day have your model. — ONE
Arriving while the event was in full swing, this was our first real blade contact of the day.
Part of that posse was Joey Chase, who had just got back from Woodward West with most of the rest of the Nimh team.
We also saw this guy, your man Jerf.
Hayden Ball was walking around, still recouping from dunning his ankle.
We saw online that these two rip-chix were coming to LA the morning of the SD event, but they took their chances and made the drive… and made it in time! Traffic cooperated.
Russell Day was blading hard. Had some shitty luck when it would’ve counted.
Brian Shima slashes a Sweatstance.
Geoff looks sad. We think it’s because of having the wrong date on his flyer.
The aforementioned typo, but fixed. Kinda.
Dudes checking out the action.
Chad Hornish was there. Ask him about his car running out of gas at Woodward West.
Here he busts a Stale Japan air.
AG was around, ’bout to play host to Chyna and Diana.
Keith busted the shit out of his wrist at WW.
That christ-like glow isn’t exactly divinity, but it sure is Nate Simpson and his pooch, come out from OB.
Jeremy Soderburg made the trip down from LA. Thanks, man.
I found this pack of the crowd near the end of the event and named them “The Others.”
Before winning but moments after shredding, Derek Henderson took what we like to call a Union Five.
Matt Mickey shared his MC services wit the participants during the Elite Division. Matt’s color commentary is pretty damn good.
Julio came by to share in the festivities.
Dean Coward ended up in the top 4, with tricks like this money AO Fish.
Yo, do you know Dima?
Rob was shredding the concrete waves of Chula Vista. No, he did not skate all the way TO Chula Vista.
Legendary dudes checking out the latest issue of ONE.
Derek Henderson, Andrew Scherf, Steve Bundy and Dean Coward wrapped up the Elite Division Top Four.
Immediately following the comp — which took place at a popular skateboard and bmx park, forcing many kids who obviously did not know about the blade comp, but who had been dropped off by their parent or guardian, to sit and endure the event (read: watch), or entertain themselves in other areas of the pretty-large complex — this little dude asked Tracy for some skates, and somehow the stars were aligned and he had a pair in the kid’s size. This is him strapping that dude into his new wheels, and hopefully his new passion. Tracy White and the LA All Day program is doing their thing to GET SOMEONE TO BLADE.
Pics © 2009 Justin Eisinger and Megan Petersen
Yo, great shots man, thanks for putting us up once again. oh ya, my new favorite SD spot TORONADO!!
W00t that was a great comp man a great comp
cant wait 4 next year oh, yeah tracy keep it up man