ONE Staff / April 20th, 2012 / Gear
We Are One Skatepark

We Are One Skatepark was an idea that Zach Nelson and Mat Farnworth came up with back in November, 2010. They spent the next year researching and planning out what it would take for them to build their own skatepark and shop. With a business plan and spot in mind for this grand venture they moved into there warhouse at the end of December 2010.

Construction began on the skatepark January 1, 2011. They had been approved by Midvale City Zoning commission and also the building department. Shortly into the first two weeks of construction, Mat and Zach received a stop work notice and needed to go back to the city with drawings for their ramps. After the new approved drawings passed one month and a half later, they started construction back up. In two months they were fully done with the park.

The next hurdle was finishing up our shop side of the warehouse and getting our entire building to pass final inspection. It was a very tedious process. Lots of back and forth between them and the city inspectors. They all have their defects they go for. After three final inspections and shaving 1/4 inches off stairs, We Are One Skatepark passed and was due to open right in July 2011.

Since then, we have been going strong — throwing contests for every sport, building our shop, getting some teams going, and most important of all making tons of new friends in the skate, bmx, scooter, and blader communtity.

Visit the site here.

Discussion / We Are One Skatepark

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  • Beastmaster - April 20th, 2012

    TJ seriously is one of the most talented dudes on blades.

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