ONE Staff / July 11th, 2012 / Gear
Windy City Riot Q&A with Collin Martin

Quick side note #1: tell us about the scene in Chicago. Is there a next Dan Busta or Ryan Schude or Paul John or Collin Martin in the ranks?
The Chicago scene is, from what I can tell, very healthy. I keep a contact list of people that currently (meaning within the last year or so) blade in the Chicago area and there are 167 people on that list. I still get juiced and surprised when a random dude who I’ve never met comes by the shop or I see them at the skatepark, only to find out he lives a few miles away. I don’t know if I belong in those ranks but the some notable blading cats who’ve recently or have been for a while really stepping their game up in or from Chicago include: Eddie Dombroski, Sean Darst, Brian Bina, Andrew Kazlauskas, Steve Matiasek, Gabe Talamantes, Thinh Le, Nick Brazinsky, Travis Rhodes, Anthony Esquivel, Joe Esquivel, Brandon Koonjy, Nick Labarre, Ross Feighery, Malcolm Heard, Dylan Davis, Jimi Paszkiewicz, Brian Sorg and Cedric Tippett. But let’s not forget that Rory Melehan is one of the best bladers of all time and has really been killing it this summer. He’s got his eye set on winning a certain street contest this year, too…

Side note #2: what’s the most ridiculous trick that’s gone down in Chicago?
Oh jeez. I don’t know. The first thing that comes to mind is how Dallas Kilpatrick is the only person to have actually committed to the Fairy Tale rail, fell over the far side, and came really close to death.

Steve Treharne / Getting Arrested / WCR 2010

We’ve got a bunch of images from past WCR events: any favorite moments you can share?
I’ll always remember Matthias St. John’s Christ Backside Backslide on the Blue Island drop rail. I can’t seem to find the photo of that right now. Mikey Froemling, for some drunken reason, broke the bathroom door down at an after party to get to something he locked inside. He came through on resolving that issue though! A bunch of us stayed the night and got a ghost tour at this haunted pub that hosted an after party. Nick Uhas laid out some drunken idiot outside of a pre-party one year. That was one of the most solid punches I’ve ever seen laid on anyone. I think Juan Herrera kicked the guy in the head before he even hit the ground. Hosting all of the Minnesota and Iowa guys every year is always fun. John Haynes, Jeff Stanger and Jephenson are my favorite visitors to host. I’ll miss John Haynes this year.

Biggest challenge you’ve had to overcome as WCR mastermind?
Every year the biggest challenge is spot selection. This is probably one of my biggest life challenges in general!

Spot Map / WCR 2011

Can you conceive of a time when you would not put on the WCR? (We hope not!)
Every year, just before the contest starts, I’m convinced I won’t ever host the event again. Somehow though, here I am doing this for the 9th time. I suppose it’s the after parties that bring my spirits back up each year. I’m sure I’ll hand it off at some point but I don’t know yet who would be capable of the challenge.

What should people know about this year’s event?
This year, like last year, will include a skatepark contest. This is by popular demand. The skatepark contest is completely separate from the street contest. Separate judging, separate results. 1st place for the street contest is guaranteed to be at least $1,000. Last year’s total purse was over $2,000. This year all registration funds, donations and fees will go to 1st place only so the purse this year could very well be the biggest purse since Red Bull sponsored the Riot.

Jeph Howard / Front Torque / WCR 2010

Anything else you want to add or make sure people know about?
There are fewer and fewer true street contests taking place over the last five years or so. Off the top of my head, the only true street contests happening this summer can be counted on one hand. This is sad to see. The core of our sport is in street. If you don’t come to the WCR, at least try to make it to at least one other true street contest this summer to show your support. If you don’t do this and our sport ends up with only park contests, well, it’s your fault.

Official WCR 2011 Edit:

See the WCR 2011 story in ONE #19.

Windy City Riot Official Website

WCR Facebook Page

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Discussion / Windy City Riot Q&A with Collin Martin

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  • Tracy White - July 14th, 2012

    Colin is a Hall of Famer in my book! Keep up the good work and see you at the Riot.

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