Pop quiz! Who’s one of the best bladers in the world that hasn’t been on the cover of ONE? Yup, Erik Bailey. The pride of Boise shot with Jeff Stockwell and Brandon Smith, and sat down with us after the inaugural Blading Cup to talk about what’s going on in his life, his travels, and his blading. He also shared some pretty outrageous stories involving one of his close friends and inspirations: Pat Lennen. And that’s just the interview. Issue #19 also features coverage from the west coast filming tour for Pariah, a look at Fish’s NYC Street Invitational with words by Jimmy Shuda, the best moments of BCSD XI as caught by John Haynes, Sound Check with Sweden’s Little Dragon, Fade Hurricane Folio, Toto Ghali 15 Minutes, a gallery of the best blade images from around the world, and too much more to list. Just see it all for yourself when it hits your local shop or newsstand.— ONE
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