Andrew Murray / November 15th, 2011 / Photo Journal
PHOTO JOURNAL: Andrew Murray #2


Chase Linzmeyer is a roller from the White Bear Lake area in the Twin Cities of Minnesota, though he just recently moved out to Arizona to study solar energy. We shot this a few days before his departure, on a perfect sun-filled afternoon at a high school in south St.Paul. We were out looking for spots and just rolled through to check the rails out. But Chase, being the precise skater that he is, just starts laying down tricks left and right; all first tries, too. Within five to seven minutes, and with five tricks already landed, we got kicked out by a grounds keeper who was mowing the fields. We pleaded with him to let us stay for just another five minutes to try and snap a quick photo. Despite the skill and amount of skating that Chase has under his belt, there are very few photos of him displaying his abilities, and we were determined to get one before the day was over and he moved away. The man said it was okay as long as we took off afterwards, so I grabbed my gear, and quickly set up. Chase was ready, and had already called out that he was going to do a misfit. This steep rail has planters on the side with a couple of three-foot-tall brick retaining walls holding them up. Not the kind of place you want to bail off, over, or stick on a rail while grinding backwards. Also, right after the landing there is a small three-stair set that you need to clear out to the driveway, which gives this fast rail even more danger. I checked my flash set up, gave Chase the go ahead, and he laced the misfit first try. This photo is actually the third taken, because in the first two we all felt his feet were just slightly too far apart. So he just did it again and again to make it perfect, which included landing then fakie 360ing the three-set, completing the trick with even more style points. Chase will be missed up here in the midwest, but we know he will be shredding hard like he always has down in the desert. Shot with an old Canon DSLR, Canon EF 17-40mm 4.0, and one SunPak 622 set up high over my left shoulder for a fill light on Chase.

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