Barcelona has become a sought-out destination in the international world of extreme sports. Some might consider it the California of Europe. There’s many well-known spots that are celebrated by all athletes. Plus there’s cheap beer, and girls from all over the world. Is that not attractive? Yes, yes it is.
For these reasons and more, Barcelona is a destination for skaters, including me. I’ve come to visit for years, but now it’s my home.
While I try to develop my photography career I’m shooting some blading pics. Like this one, in which the idea of the composition became an obsession! So yes, we had to make the image.
This city, that many of your friends have visited, and that bladers talk about with envy, is a fast city with a young atmosphere. The city breathes 24 hours a day, seven days a week.
Not to mention it’s one of the best for rollerblading.