Ashley Prigmore / May 31st, 2013 / Photo Journal
PHOTO JOURNAL: Ashley Prigmore #4

This is something I took on a recent trip to Barcelona. This was my seventh trip in just four years, and one of the best trips for skating to date. It included a ton of spots I’d never skated before, and the chance to meet up with Marc Moreno, Joe Atkinson, Kevin James and a few others over the course of the week.

I’d arrived in the city a night earlier than everyone else, so I had a lot of time to cruise around, chill, take a few photos and catch up with some friends who live in the city. The weather was just as great as ever, which is always perfect when compared to the rain you come to expect at any time of the year in England. Everyone else arrived later the next day and wanted to get straight out on their skates. Usually, after landing in the afternoon, the first day of the trip often has a fairly chilled session at somewhere like the infamous Villa Olympica ledges or Paral-lel before a few beers. This time we decided to venture a little further out and check out some spots in the Besos area of the city.

This spot that we found is one of the most pointless bits of urban architecture I’ve ever seen, and yet at the same time one of the most perfect obstacles for skating. I’m always in awe of some of the street spots that Barcelona has to offer, and this bank with a rail built into it was no different. Yet for some reason the majority of the locals seem to only want to skate park.

I think everyone enjoyed sessioning these. However, I could only leave with one photo and decided to opt for this shot of Michael James lacing a steezy fish.

Discussion / PHOTO JOURNAL: Ashley Prigmore #4

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