Craig Read is one of my favorite people to hang with. We seem to spend most of our time giving each other shit about some aspect of life, whether we’re out skating or sitting down at the pub with a beer. I wouldn’t have it any other way though. One of my favorite things about skating is the social aspect — I wouldn’t go out skating if I wasn’t laughing and having fun.
The spot in the photo is one that Craig himself found. This is in the city of Milton Keynes, which is infamous for its endless number of knee high, long, straight marble ledges on every road, making it a city that you’ll regularly see filled with other rollerbladers or skateboarders out sessioning. We’ve come to take it for granted and easily get bored of the marble skate heave. This leaves us in search of something a little different. Whilst not particularly out of the ordinary in terms of what they’re made of, the shape and layout of these ledges provided a nice change of scenery compared to what we’re used to.
In temperatures extremely high and rare for Britain, Craig laced my favourite line of the day with a soul on the ledge over on the right side of the frame to disaster darkside topsoul shown here.