Codee Jennings has always been talented on his blades. When I first started blading with him I used to take him the the biggest rails I could find. To my surprise, he would always lace them like it was nothing. After seeing him tackle some of the most insane rails and just destroying spots in general, I knew Codee would be one to keep an eye on. Codee recently relocated back to his hometown of Bartonville, Illinois after living in Columbus, Ohio. On May 13th Shane Conn, Cody Reffner, Hawke Trackler and I took a trip to visit him. Codee killed shit all weekend, and he especially threw down on this yellow angle iron ledge. We all watched as Codee laced trick after trick, then took the time to shoot a few photos as well. This particular photo was shot with two Vivitar 285HV flashes, one to the left and one to the right of the frame, at 1/250 on a Canon 7D at f5.6 and ISO 400. You can see more of Codee’s blading here.