Chris Duke / July 29th, 2012 / Photo Journal
PHOTO JOURNAL: Chris Duke #2

I didn’t start skating with other rollerbladers until about three years into my “career.” One day, driving home from work, I noticed a couple of kids rollerblading, on my block! I pulled into their driveway and said “I’m Chris and we have to skate together.”

One of those kids still skates today, and has been one of my good friends for the last seven years.

I am talking, of course, about Joel Johnson. He has been with me on almost every skating trip I have ever been on, as well as shared countless sessions. Even though Joel moved away, he still makes time to come visit and skate with me “up North.”

We decided to go to the skate plaza that is about 20 minutes from my house. With all of the sick things to skate there, I thought it pretty damn funny we were sessioning the down ledge just outside of the park. Joel laced this bad ass royale to switch ao topsoul, and to show my appreciation for him always coming up to see me, I set up my gear to capture it.

Love you bro… Bromance.

Discussion / PHOTO JOURNAL: Chris Duke #2

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