Eric Palmer / February 23rd, 2012 / Photo Journal
PHOTO JOURNAL: Eric Palmer #4


We’d just shot the photo for my third Photo Journal, and I’d started slowly packing up my gear, when Frank found another interesting thing he wanted to try about 40 meters away. A small bank to wall… I’m always up for something different and this was exactly that. He was trying a kind of wallride mute and then went for a stale, which we both preferred. I struggled with the lighting and settled on having two strobes to my right. An SB-600 right next to me at 1/2 power for 85mm and the SB-900 a little further to the right on 1/2 power for 200mm. Shot with my D70 and 10.5mm fisheye at f/10, 1/640th and ISO 200.

It was good to have Frank in town and to be out getting a few rolling shots again.

Discussion / PHOTO JOURNAL: Eric Palmer #4

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