It was hot outside and Angelo Ferrer from Art of Rolling set up a shoot for me. So I got my ass all the way from Union Ave in Brooklyn to 168th St. in the City. A kid named Pablo is on the phone trying to explain to me where he is.
Ledges. He keeps swearing I should see ledges. Every time I ask him for some other reference he keeps telling me he’s standing on ledges. I finally see him and can’t help but feel misled. Considering this was a reference for location, I kept looking for something elevated. Whatever happened to calling these planters?! But I digress.
Pablo Munoz and Anddy Feliciano are two talented skaters and they did their thing. Chauncy Jenkins showed up and really got the session going. All of a sudden the ledge wasn’t challenging enough for everyone. I don’t remember who specifically started it, but it became clear that only tricks done over the grating were going to count from here on out. Among many tricks, Pablo laced this fishbrain.
D300,1/250, f9, ISO200, 18mm. One Vivitar 285 set to 1/8 power. Cactus remotes. — Hillel Dov