John Haynes / December 20th, 2006 / Photo Journal
PHOTO JOURNAL: John Haynes #3

The John Haynes Photo Journal isn’t slowing down! See the rest of the image and read the story behind the photo inside.

Aaron Peterson is always complaining that no one will pick him up to skate, and he is right, because he basically lives in China. Jeph Howard was always his ride, but Jeph moved to Florida, so now Aaron skates his home rail until we remember to pick him up or skate in his area. We were going to Duluth to skate for the day, and China just happens to be on the way to Duluth, so we scooped Aaron up. Since the summer before when we went to this spot, I really wanted Aaron to backslide this rail for a photo. Once in Duluth we skated all day, and a lot went down. It seemed like everyone wanted to party so badly that we would just head back to Minneapolis without getting the shot, but Aaron was down for one last stop. That was when he did this beautiful Backslide to fakie. Then we went to the liquor store and made the drive back to Minneapolis (I was driving and didn’t drink, that would be careless). The lighting was pretty stock, but the trick totally carried it. And that’s how this went down. – John Haynes

Discussion / PHOTO JOURNAL: John Haynes #3

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  • GrantKjos - December 21st, 2006

    I took aaron to the casino once. He was underage so he just ran into the bathroom. That’s where he met Daniel southerlun, and discovered his magical powers. I think aaron just got a dog too.

  • troydizzle - December 21st, 2006

    haha i was with that was awesome

  • Jesse Olson - December 21st, 2006

    Great shot, Haynes! Looks even better now that I’ve seen it full size. Fun hanging out for a bit that night. Aaron KILLED that rail and the ledge at UMD.

  • ryan - January 6th, 2007

    proper. looks like fun.

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