During 2013, one of the photos I’m proudest of was printed in Jeremy Soderburg’s Spotlight for ONE #20. It’s a photo I have been complimented on repeatedly, albeit it wasn’t the photo either Jeremy nor I envisioned. We arrived at this spot mid-afternoon, the lighting a blown-out mess. I had to change angles to cut down on the glare, which was not what we had in mind. But it worked!
After “the shot” was taken we all sat around and bladed, my lighting still in place. Anthony Gallegos enjoyed himself on the rail, hitting any trick that came to mind. If you watch him blade, he has fun! It’s everything blading should be.
With the sun setting he was getting in a few last tricks — in particular, true mistrial. I immediately went for my camera and popped off a few shots from the original angle I wanted to use. Low and behold, the sunset and waves looked as imagined. It was what we were shooting for, but for Anthony instead of Jeremy. We had a good laugh at that while taking in the last of the sun and surf.
Photos may never end up as you imagined, but you’ll usually find a way of making them work. The unexpected can still make for a winning shot. There’s also a lesson to be learned about not breaking down your gear too quickly, less you miss the chance to snap up another great shot.
Alien Bees B800 1/1 camera right, Speedlight 1/1 camera right pointed at Anthony. 1/250, F/8.