Josh Hayes / October 27th, 2009 / Photo Journal
PHOTO JOURNAL: Josh Hayes #4

A bunch of the Missoula heads and I made a trip down to Idaho to meet up with the Shred ’till You’re Dead Tour. During our days with the tour we hit up a lot of insanely tight concrete parks out in the middle of nowhere. After camping and skating for four days, it was time to head back. We drove into a small town and stopped to get gas. As we got out of the car, Brandon saw a mural with a real truck bed coming out of the wall. I said, “We have to get a photo on this.” The people inside the gas station were watching us and did not look like they would approve of us skating it. While Howie pumped the gas, Brandon put on his skates, I set up, and he threw down a quick 270 back savannah. Then we all jumped back in the car and headed home. — Josh Hayes

Discussion / PHOTO JOURNAL: Josh Hayes #4

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  • BJB - October 28th, 2009

    I dig the photo and the story behind it. Nice work.

  • chris - October 28th, 2009

    Big ups to all MT rollers. Thanks to mr. Hayes we now can see what MT rollers have, to add to the mix of this industry. We have camron howie KC ryan and a few more hiddin in the treasure state. Thanks again ONE and thanks to josh hayes and the MT rollers.

  • matler - October 29th, 2009

    thanks again josh for everything. He told me last night he put this up and might have mislabeled the trick. So just for good measure, it was just a savannah. Hope your back spine heals!!!

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