ONE Staff / October 4th, 2010 / Photo Journal
PHOTO JOURNAL: Kris Troyer #4

Gap to Wallride to 180 off

In Rochester, NY, there is a spot known as “G Spot.” Yes, folks, it does exist, and it actually happens to be pretty played out up there. But during my short visit to the area this summer we happened to be in the vicinity of the “G Spot” and noticed this barge docked next to the walkway. Apparently they do concerts and whatnot on these things during the summer, but Grant Hazelton does Gaps to Wallrides and 180s off. When shooting this, Grant had to position himself between the barge and ladder and push the barge out with his legs to create the gap, then proceed to skate around and do the Wallride before the buoyant platform rebounded back inward, thus making the trick as scary as possible. He actually almost fell in head first one time. Getting trapped upside down under that piece would be a scary trip. Shot with one Vivitar 383 at camera left about 10 ft away, at 1/2 power. Aperture f/6.3, shutter 1/100, at 160 ISO. — Kris Troyer

Discussion / PHOTO JOURNAL: Kris Troyer #4

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  • Angst - October 9th, 2010


  • Sam DeAngelis - October 12th, 2010

    Very creative shot Kris… you rule at pretty much everything!

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