Lui Summer / June 14th, 2010 / Photo Journal
PHOTO JOURNAL: Lui Summer #5


This shot of Sacha Lopez was taken last fall. A small part of this was already used for the header of his rider’s page on the Grindhouse website. However, no one has seen the full shot so far. Something with the rim light went wrong due to some dust, or whatever it was that was in the air. But you can’t take everything in account, and sometimes the best shots are results of an accident. I really love how the rim light works with this cloud of dust. Later, I also saw the word “Farben” in the back, which means “colours” in German, and goes perfectly with the red sculpture of a car and the green plants in the front.

Discussion / PHOTO JOURNAL: Lui Summer #5

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  • Sam DeAngelis - June 16th, 2010

    Great shot.. Love the unique obstacle too

  • Eric Palmer - June 16th, 2010

    Nice one Lui, great lighting!

  • Lui - June 17th, 2010

    Thank’s guys!

  • Megan Petersen - March 31st, 2012

    definitely love how you shot this one, that obstacle is sweet! I also really appreciate the lighting on this one, so prime!

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