The last week of April was another great time spent in San Diego. Hayden was one of the first rollerbladers I met in SD when I moved down there from Washington in 2008. He’s always had amazing energy and has the most fun when he shreds. He’s the nicest dude and is a pretty dreamy skater all in all. I mean really, check out that hair! Ha ha, but seriously, he rips and loves skating. It was great to skate and take photos with him as always; I was pretty juiced when he called to go out and blade.
The first day he picked out two spots: this one and the royale up to fakie that’s in the last San Diego photo story. Day two with Hayden was also spent with Louie Zamora and Oliver Prado. That was such a great trio of bladers. Can’t wait to go back down, or get those guys up to SF!
amazing how you are able to capture the essence of roller blading in a photo. Always a great read !