Sam Cooper / March 4th, 2012 / Photo Journal
PHOTO JOURNAL: Sam Cooper #15


On a random day in August, I got a frantic last-minute phone call from a very excited and energetic Mr. Ives. “I’m coming back home, dawg. I’ll be at the station in 40!” This kind of phone call is quickly becoming Dan’s trademark. The “come get me, have a session, and get some shots” call. Regardless, with great haste I made my way to meet him. After catching up on life, and how it’s been treating us both since our last meeting, we hit a session at the local spot before going out on the hunt for shots in little old Saffron Walden. Dan proved his point that there is always something left to be done when we came to this spot. The plan was to just get a shot on the lower ledge, but it was a bit short. After some brainstorming we came up with the idea of mono rolling the ledge to fishbraining the short high pillar. After a battle with trying to get that grabbed foot in close to lead the way, Dan smashed it out a few times with perfect steeze, even managing to 180 out to complete the trick. I captured the moment with my 10mm Sigma fisheye and lit the scene with a Canon 540EZ at 1/8th power to my left, and a diffused canon 540EZ at 1/4th power to my right.

Discussion / PHOTO JOURNAL: Sam Cooper #15

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