Sam Cooper / January 29th, 2014 / Photo Journal
PHOTO JOURNAL: Sam Cooper #30

So, the summer ended. The days got shorter, the nights longer, and the impending cold wet weather has long-since taken hold. This can only mean one thing, SlammJamm is upon us! Me and Matt Smith traveled up together from the depths of Devon to be part of the weekend’s festivities. But before we got to any of that, Smith had the hunger for a photo which lead us to a pretty rough and ready trash park in a glorious setting that was Toxtdeth. After Matt battled with what is without a doubt the most incredibly difficult trash park any of us ever skated for a clip or two, I got my camera gear set up to snap what was the last trick in the line. With one Canon 540EZ at 1/8th off to my near left, another at 1/4th off to my far right and both zoomed in 100mm, I captured a few tricks on this nasty homemade quarter. It was this zero spin ally-oop Makio that was the winning shot that signalled the end of our time at the trash park and the start of SlammJamm for us.

Discussion / PHOTO JOURNAL: Sam Cooper #30

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