Throughout the summer I have been taking frequent trips out to Long Island, NY to film for Justin Brasco’s new USD edit. On this past trip we decided to search a couple universities throughout the area in order to capture some of the less exposed spots Long Island has to offer. As we waited for our good friend to find a bathroom we scoured the immediate area for a clip and found none. So I took out my flash and decided to find a photo instead. Soon after, Justin came across this hop over the wall to Fish on the trash can.
I had one flash set in the bush to camera left and let natural sunlight do the rest. I laced this photo with an F Stop of 7.1 and an exposure set at 1/320. The shot was a little diffused from the sun but it’s nothing that a little contrast, color balance and highlight adjustment wouldn’t fix!
Remember dudes.. Sometimes a photo speaks louder than a clip! So bring your flashes out next time and snap away.