Sam DeAngelis / December 20th, 2012 / Photo Journal
PHOTO JOURNAL: Sam DeAngelis #16

Crazy Pat / Disaster Fish

Saturday, October 27th, NYC and NJ bladers came out to celebrate Halloween a couple days early. We met at Coleman Skatepark and then took to the streets dressed in full Halloween regalia with blades on our feet. The session was not only for some pre-Halloween hype, but it was also the last chance we would have to roll together before Sandy came through and took the East Coast with her.

“Crazy Pat” Bernat and I met the NY crew while dressed in our best. I took the approach of Jason Vorhees, wearing the outfit I’d donned the night before, and Pat enacted a perfect rendition of Hunter S. Thompson from Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas. When we got to the park I decided it would be a nice day to shoot some photos. I wanted to catch the athleticism of skating mixed with the complete awkwardness of wearing a costume. We surely got our share of attention as we took over the park with bladers dressed in costumes ranging from Sub Zero from Mortal Kombat to an Old Fashioned Muscle Man.

I asked Pat to get me this shot because I’ve always been interested with the composition of the obstacle. The next thing I knew I was crouched in front of a couple skateboarders and Pat laced this very steezy Fishbrain. I barely had time to set up and yell over the screaming crowd before this shot. This was one of those photos that just happens… And you never turn back.

I shot with with one flash to Pat’s left and camera right. I snapped this at 1/200, f/2.8, with an ISO of 100 to counteract the strong New York October sun.

Discussion / PHOTO JOURNAL: Sam DeAngelis #16

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  • Alan Hughes - December 20th, 2012

    Sick photo Sam, the only thing missing is dude’s fancy cigarette holder lol

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