Si Cox / May 14th, 2012 / Photo Journal

Ollie Jones / Fakie 3 AO Porn / Redditch, UK

I don’t usually like shooting handrails. That’s probably because I never really enjoyed skating them. And that was probably because I really sucked at skating them. Anyway, this spot is comprised pretty much of only handrails and a yet-to-be-done, balls out, really high fence gap. I was pushing for Ollie to hit the gap, but it wasn’t the day for it. (Ironically, later that day we ending up fucking about at the skatepark that has a random high jump set-up going on, where we clearly worked out he’ll clear the fence gap easily with a bit of bollocks behind him.) So the rail it was. I settled on this tried and tested angle for this rail, mainly due to the unfortunate placement of trees, the lack of a step ladder to get higher, and also a large amount of people scattered about the spot who I didn’t really want to start asking to move. Ollie is a very gifted man on rails, and extremely consistent. We discussed what tricks would look cool from the angle I’d settled on, and ally-oop porn was agreed. Ollie upped the stakes chucking it full cab three times in a row, for me to get him just where I wanted and positioned how we wanted. I like not having to lie in the mud for an hour. Shot on my Canon 7D with 15mm equivilent fisheye 1/250 at f11, with a simple two light setup, both Vivitars 285s. One camera right at 1/4 power and the other further back, camera left on 1/1. I’m off to watch the golf come in. Enjoy.

Discussion / PHOTO JOURNAL: Si Cox #4

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