Jeff Stanger / May 20th, 2012 / BlogsSound Check
Sound Check: The Awful Truth

Another visit to the Urban Lounge. The circumstances being to see The Awful Truth as a full band for my first time. Lead Brent Colbert got his start in the Salt Lake City music scene (like many others in any larger metropolitan city) by consistently playing for little-to-no money at small venues while building a devout following.

The first time I saw the singular element of The Awful Truth perform was at the dusty three car garage turned venue we lovingly know as Kilby Court. It was just Brent and his guitar. Piercing lyrics, powerful strums and great audience banter in between songs made him someone you wanted to see again.

This 4-piece version takes Colbert’s words and guitar sounds to new places. It’s a more cohesive and enjoyable experience to hear Brent backed by the usual drums, bass, and electric guitar.  Not to mention that you feel less weird dancing to it when there is an accompanying beat to follow.

For more information about what The Awful Truth is up to click here

Photos by: Jake Vivori

Discussion / Sound Check: The Awful Truth

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