The absolute last thing that got slotted into the new print mag was a short feature on dynamic French blader Julien Cudot. It came in entirely out of the blue when our friend and contributor Steve Steinmetz sent a text back in October: “Julien will be in town on the 17th to the 24th. He already hit me up so definitely be shooting and skating with him while he’s here.” Now we know that Julien was in the country for the Carriers Open and to film his Cymantic section in Dallas, but the side trip to California meant we could finally capture Cudot in the streets putting his skills to use. And Steve did not waste the opportunity, taking Julien to famous spots where he could put his unique stamp onto the local history. Like this photo for example, which with a touch too much motion blur didn’t make the print mag, but shows just how intense Julien’s sessions can be. Check out the rest of the pics in Issue #27 and read Julien’s POV on the trip and tricks.
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[The END]
Photos by Steve Steinmetz