We’re the first to admit there can be a big gap between print issues of ONE, for a variety of reasons, which means that sometimes photos have to sit in the vault for longer than anyone wants before they see the light of day. Ugh! It’s really hard for a skater and photographer to wait to post their clips, and it’s only gotten harder with the speed of social media. Which is part of what makes this photo feature with some of the Mesmer team so incredible — Ryan Schude shot these photos in 2022 and has had them on ice ever since, waiting for Issue #27. This photo of John Bolino doing a natural frontside to gap that is seen in his skate promo edit opens the layout, so we thought now would be a great time to show off the main image, along with a telephoto alternate angle Ryan took that captures John in the air, plus a look at the photo in print. But we all have some good news to share, and that’s that there won’t be as big a gap between print mags anymore because the next ONE is going to drop this fall. Check out the full Mesmer feature in Issue #27 along with our Letter for more details.
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[The END]
Photos by Ryan Schude
Issue #27 Layout by Wes Driver