Thanks to the magic of technology and the dedication of the baddest ass dudes in blading, Adam Johnson and the Straight Jacket crew are on an epic mission to make the best blading DVD ever. If you’re like us, you know they’re actually going to pull it off, and by doing as little as pre-booking the DVD for what you’d pay for it anyway ($20), you can put your money directly to work to help the cause. Hell, any donation over $5 is appreciated, and if you’re the big swinging dick you can even cough up five grand to cement your fame in blading by buying the tour van, Betty White. Find out all about the fundraising, how you can help, and what your loot is going towards by checking out Straight Jacket’s Kickstarter page, and go beyond the break to see some more shots from the crew hanging in LBC while they prepare for the next leg of their journey. This is what history looks like folks. Don’t just sit there; get involved. — ONE
Take your best shot. No, really. Take it.
Getting high and tight.
Sign of a regular.
Guess he’s running his gear through that blue wash stuff.
Making it perfect.
Guess what was on sale.
A happy customer.
Smoke this.
Doin’ the Fonz.
Sitting on a fence in the bay…
Armed and glamorous.
Tossin’ bags.
Rack ’em.
Mandatory “bird” shot.
Probably hustling.
Definitely hustling.
Jeff acclimating to his new hood.
Times are tough for dreamers… unless you’re a tough dreamer. In that case it’s your time.
Forget “Blue Steel” and “Magnum,” this is “Bubble Tongue.”
Something rugged this way comes.