ONE Staff / December 3rd, 2015 / Spotlight
Cameron Talbott: A New Chapter

The name Cameron Talbott is pretty familiar around here. The longtime Valo hopeful has been a blade talent dating back to the days when Daily Bread put out an Am Issue, and yet here he is in 2015, all grown-up and ready for a new chapter of his blading life. Recently added to the Rollerblade team roster for 2016, we had a chance to catch up with Cameron to find out how the winter months are shaping up and what he’s looking forward to in the new year. Dig it!

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Cameron, you just got a spot on the RB team. Rad! Congrats! What does that mean?
Thanks man, yeah — I’m really excited to be part of RB, and blading with such a great group of likeminded folks. RB offers opportunities to not only to better yourself as a skater but as an individual, so I’m hyped!


You skated on Valo blades for a long time, why the switch? How has the change impacted your skating?
Yeah, I was part of Valo for awhile and am grateful for Jon’s support over the years. As far as the switch, I just felt like I was not going to go any further with Valo and it was time to explore other options. I’m really having fun with skating right now and would like to be part of more events and tours if possible, which are the sorts of opportunities RB can provide if I put in the necessary work.

As a dude from the highlands of Montana, do you consider yourself a role model for bladers that dream of earning recognition, but live in the sticks? (No offense to your hood!)
Hahahahaha, the highlands, eh?! It can be tough when you don’t live in a area with a major skate scene for sure. But if you really feel passionate about what you’re doing, anything is possible.


How old are you nowadays? If you hung out with a version of yourself from 5 years ago, would that person believe that you’d just now be hitting new high points in your blade career?
That would be a trip haha. I’m 29 and I think my 24-year-old self would be happy with the way things have played out. The industry is up and down these days, I think being part of anything even all the way up here in Montana is awesome at this point in time.

What other gear are you rocking and why?
Besides RB I’m rockin’ Circolo wheels. Jeff (Linett) gave me a chance to be part of what he is doing and I went with it. The team is so diverse with people from all over the world, I felt like it was a good fit. I recently spent a few days in LA with him after the Cup and got to know both he and the company more, and I’m hyped on where things are going! Also, I like reppin’ HUSH gear out of Indonesia! Spent some time over there and am a big fan of their growing scene and positive outlook on skating! Miss you guys!

Frontside to Gap

Okay get out of here and go blade — but any props or thanks you need to throw out there?
It’s freezing out so it’s mini ramp time! Just want to thank Jon Julio for all the years of support, much love and respect! And everyone else who has helped me along the way: Hyser, Linett, Asmo, ESG, all my friends and family! Much love!

Photos by Jeff Linett

Discussion / Cameron Talbott: A New Chapter

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  • Terry Wilson - December 4th, 2015

    That’s my cuz out there blading big time!Love that he made a choice to do what he loves.Im so proud of him,he has really grown up.Love ya T

  • mario - December 5th, 2015

    We miss you too Cameron! come back to Indonesia soon! 😀

  • BRIAN CARTER - December 6th, 2015


  • Gudrun Neumann - December 8th, 2015

    Cameron, you made us very happy when you “rolled” into our life 29 years ago.

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