ONE Staff / November 16th, 2023 / Spotlight
La Rue in California

In 2023 the La Rue crew, Stan Kogutyak and Jules Renault, ventured to California where they linked up with Seba Seufferheld, Sean Darst, Miguel Angel Ramos, Joe Atkinson, and Parker Richardson to film a few bits for a project that turned into DREAM. Jules documented the travels between Los Angeles, Slab City and San Francisco on his film camera for this series of photos that act as an analog extension of the video. Like liner notes from a CD booklet, these moments capture the tour’s vibe of Cali sunshine, smiles, shred, blood, parties, and new friends.

* * * *

Topsouls and decommissioned vans in Slab City.

“Living in a van, down by the… middle of nowhere.”

Imagine this camera is a slice of pizza.

Fishing in the desert.

Keep it KG.

Cost of doing business.

International relations.

King of the beach.

The King surfs a backslide.

We’ve seen more unusual companions…

Quick hits right by the beach.

Double Double sounds so good right now.

Today’s theme is blue.

This sign is a classic.

Vert Wally to headsmash or AO Topsoul.

Style is universal.

City sights.

Jumping into the sun.

Above the bay.

[The END]

Photos by Jules Renault

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