Success in Oakland. Brian Freeman and his crew launched what is sure to become an annual tradition with this weekend’s inaugural Oakland Blade Jam. Bringing together a gritty city skateboard park, the local hardware store and countless volunteers and contributions, the OBJ went down without any visible hitches showing that with the right mix of perseverance and vision bladers can rally their communities to achieve blade-friendly goals. With Shredweiser and the Bay Area locals repping hard, the We Are One crew rolled in from SLC, ERod and Mike Obedoza popped up from Long Beach, and pieces of the Valo posse came through from Santa Ana. Even Carson Starnes and Chris Smith from Georgia. We’re happy to report the travel was not in vain as BFree & Co’s hard work paid off — the contest showed the crowd great blading and ended with David Sizemore displaying his eye for the seemingly impossible. Along the way many sweet maneuvers were put down, and we managed to catch a couple. Check out ONE @ Oakland Blade Jam.